


As a coaching psychologist with a career over two decades, helping clients to re-frame their unhelpful thought patternsmove towards their desired goals and feel resilient in difficult situations continues to fuel my soul! And I am all about doing this with the most solution focused approach possible!


To achieve your individual goals, you practise simple to apply coaching psychology tools, adopt daily habits and use positive proactive frameworks that are easy to implement and achieve long term results. 


So what exactly is coaching psychology and why choose it?


The international society of coaching psychology defines it as "the process for enhancing wellbeing and performance in personal life, and work domains underpinned by models of coaching grounded in established adult and child learning or psychological theories and approaches".


Put another way, Coaching psychologists draw from a wide range of psychological theories, approaches and models, and because of this we can facilitate unique, varied and responsive ways of working with you, to create the changes you wish to make. 

My own journey in to Coaching Psychology. 

I have been fortunate to spend my adult life studying Psychology, teaching it, and applying it to in practice all over the world.  I have lived and breathed this amazingly captivating subject since I was 14, reading every self-help and FBI profiling book available! Fast forward many years to when I found myself faced with an all consuming and overwhelming crossroads, I was curious if coaching could help generate some space from my own thoughts and get some clarity about what I wanted to do, and what I needed to do. 

The impact of investing in coaching for myself was profound for my entire wellbeing - personally and professionally. Issues that would have previously caused me sleepless nights are figureoutable.                                                                                                                                                                 

Before, when I would have dreaded specific events (difficult conversations / opening up emails / walking in to a challenging meeting), I now had the confidence and strategies in place to transform my entire perception of it. The circumstance may have remained- the event itself - but my ability to prepare for it and resiliently bounce back was game changing. I could see the bigger picture and was now choosing my direction (no more feeling like a passive bystander), identifying goals and living purposely. I reclaimed my autonomy.

Outside of my own personal experience, I knew that Psychological models produced incredible results for my clients, and coaching had a profound impact for me, so would it be helpful to combine the two?

When I started to use coaching psychology with my clients, I observed something; 

  • the impact on clients was profound! Being able to draw from a range of psychological theory, framework and models within the coaching session facilitates breadth of application.  
  • every session, clients leave equipped with tools, and enthused to take action.
  • this new found agency and empowerment is palpable.



The stories we tell (and how they can be re-written)

My psychological career began in HM prison service followed by a multitude of roles in education - both in the UK and abroad - and I have led training courses for multi-national companies across several sectors. I have observed -and personally felt- both the powerful and the powerless stories that our thoughts can create. This perspective of a current circumstance often leaves you feeling stuck, saturated and overwhelmed. Working together, we establish this as a temporary circumstance and co-create the necessary tools to move through this experience, transforming the burnout into breakthroughs. You learn to re-frame this chapter and confidently re-write the next.

Living possibly 

I apply the tools of coaching psychology to my own life, every single day. In the same way we look after our physical health, our mental and emotional health needs attending to - proactively. We learn the tools like we would a new skill - through practise and consistency. In doing so, we get to create new possibilities for how we want to be. Doing this has changed my life-not just once-but many times over!

Using my strategies, it has felt possible to:

  • move solo  (my beautiful dogs in tow!) to live and work in three different countries without visiting them first; 
  • leave sought after jobs and stepped in to unknown careers;
  • have courageous conversations with senior management 

Was there internal and external voices saying "What if you don't like the country? What if it doesn't work out? What if you regret leaving that job?" FOR SURE. 

In each stage of making these decisions, did I know there was a self-secure even if belief available to me. ABSOLUTELY.  Even if 'this' happens, I can.... I will... I know, I trust... Adopting this mindset, and embracing the new opportunities has changed my landscape, and my life. 

I meet you where you are -with expertise and qualifications in Psychology, Coaching, Training and Leadership - to help you process where you are now, and move with confidence to where you want to be. 

  •  Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) through CTI, and Certified Coach (ACC) through the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
  • Associate International Society of Coaching Psychologists (ISCP)
  • Masters of Science in Forensic Psychology (MSc)
  • Head of Counselling, Coach & Counsellor (Middle East and Asia)
  • Leading and teaching Psychology A-Level (UK and Middle East)
  • Head of Psychology and Therapeutic Treatment programmes (HMPS)

If you are wanting to have transformative frameworks on dealing with difficult situations, develop habits and strategies that enable you to have clarity in order to make decisions and feel happier, get in touch and lets make it happen!

let's get started!